Hosny A.'s review of NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/21/2019
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NETDragon helps scammers
They are scammers.
My experience with NetDragon is the following.
I brought their email from their official website for the video game Conquer Online co(at)netdragon(dot)com I asked them info about buying TopMoneyBags and they gave me this email nina123(at)netdragon(dot)com saying this is the one handles these issues. I contacted her and gave me very high prices. Two days later I have seen an announcement in 2017 for a GM called Zorana and they say she is their official GM. I contacted her and she gave me better prices also sent me some photos showing herself as a GM inside the game. I didn’t trust yet she told me she has a control on nina123(at)netdragon(dot)com and all the company emails and she off course contacted me through nina123(at)netdragon(dot)com and co(at)netdragon(dot)com. Also, gave me an option to contact me from hc(at)netdragon.com and all the other email to trust. Off course I trusted her 100% and I sent the money after knowing that all the details she gave me belong to the company and not to an invdvidou. She told me that they have got my money and they start giving stuff to their distributors on the first day of every month. My money was sent in 17/01/2019 and on February 1st she says my order has been declined. I asked a refund but they have to pay the fee of the transaction. When she delayed I contacted the company on the email she contacted me co(at)netdragon(dot)com and nina123(at)netdragon(dot)com and the reply was as the following.
- This person doesn’t belong to us.
- This person doesn’t exit.
- This person has been resigned on June 2018.
- You reported that you got hacked on Jan 2019 and we found someone has credited 112 cards from your email ( which this never happened because I’m not a VIP member so I cannot report any case).
- Finally, after checking our bank account we do received your money on Jan 17th and sent you TQs the same day.

* I asked several times:
- To which email did you send the stuff?!
- My order was TopMoneyBags and not TQs.
Can you just lend me a hand?!
Every day I’m dropping them tons and tons of emails and they do not reply again.
- How can this person use your official emails?!

What I understood.
- The person I was dealing with does not belong to them.
- asked me to send the money to the company and got the stuff instead of me.

But I have been working for smaller companies than NETDragon never ever we dealt with such matters like this. They just keep helping thieves and scammers.
I expected at least they offer me more attention. But they just keep ignoring a client with 18020 USD who got scammed.
If you are looking to deal with them be careful. Just try to travel to China and deal with them F2F.
For me never I trust them or any Chinese either!!
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (909) 612-1681 Address   21660 Copely Drive, Suite 180
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Website   http://ir.netdragon.us/ Email   service@conqueronline.com
Contact   Ming Liu Other  
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