Crystal A.'s review of The John Stewart Company

The John Stewart Company

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Ross Morgan & Company Inc.
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/22/2021
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ATTENTION to whom it may concern
Hello my wife and I have been living at Curtner Studios for about 5 year’s and the first three years were okay. But last year was kind of bad for us along with everyone else with dealing with COVID-19 and PANDEMIC, having CURFEW, and being under LOCKDOWN. So I’ve been working through this whole thing dealing with my hours being cut and trying to make and keep up with payments. And my wife was working as well but it was hard for her to work because there was construction going on and them being here making alot of loud noise and drilling at 7am and leaving screws everywhere like in the garage so our tires would get flat and in the wall way. My wife and I almost stepped on 5 screws they need to pay attention and clean after themselves. Also they need to watch their MOUTH while being on the clock on the floor one of them named MIKE I believe called my wife a BITCH
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