Heather A.'s review of Verengo Solar

Verengo Solar

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/25/2016
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This company is the absolute worst company I’ve ever dealt with. I have no idea how they are still in business, whatever they promise you do not believe them. We called them after talking with Solar City, Solar City wasn’t able to give us enough Solar Panels for the energy we needed so we looked elsewhere and Verengo Solar said yeah, no problem, we will upgrade your sub-panel to a 200-amp panel for free also. We signed up, however we've been told since by another solar company that we have too many panels. A crew showed up, turns out they were all sub-contracted, no one worked directly for Verengo. We didn’t foresee a problem so we let them continue. At the end of the first day, we noticed empty alcoholic beverages in the trash, crew must have been drinking on the job and they did not upgrade the panel, so we asked the electrician why, he looked at his paperwork and said oh yeah I have here in the contract it is supposed to be a 200-amp panel but this is the equipment they gave me to install. We called Verengo right away and they said that that it would have cost too much money because they had to run the power from the street. Okay fine but they should have called us and discussed that first before they began installation. We should have sued them for breach of contract right there but they said they would fix it, so we continued. After months of back and forth they said they couldn’t do the 200-amp panel after all, but they agreed to install a sub-panel to give us more breakers which is required by law. The first panel they installed didn’t have enough free breakers in it, but they installed anyway and didn’t even install it correctly, it is loose and the stucco patch they did is the worse I’ve ever seen. After fighting for a few more months they sent another sub-contracted worker out to install the sub-panel. This guy used my husband’s tools without asking, used our material (2x4) without asking and on top of it, he stucco’d the sub-panel shut so we can’t even open it. He cannot be a licensed sub-contractor, to have done a job like this and to have used someone else's tools and material; you should come prepared to do the job at hand. Also every time we have a crew come out they don’t clean up there mess, they just leave their trash and used material on our property, they even left one of their safety straps still attached to the roof. It’s been about 6 months since the install and we are still fighting with them. We’ve asked them to remove everything and fix our roof; they are now passing it off on the finance company. We are waiting to hear back from them, but I’m thinking it’s time to have a lawyer step in.
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Torrance, CA 90501
Website   http://www.verengosolar.com Email   social@verengosolar.com
Contact   Chris Haynie Other  
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